Why is pH | Important for Growing Hydroponics Vegetables?

Hydroponics is the cultivation of plants in water mixed with plant nutrients. Most of the vegetables that are commonly used, also known as “liquid fertilizer,” are leafy vegetables and short-term crops that are harvested quickly. For example, red oak, green oak, rocket, fillet, green cos, butterhead, and lettuce, which only take 40-60 days to harvest, are commonly used as raw materials. In the vegetable salad menu that is usually eaten fresh. In addition to leafy vegetables, strawberries, tomatoes, onions, radishes, potatoes, and melons can be grown. However, the size of the container used for planting should be carefully considered. So that plants get enough nutrients and grow properly.

Hydroponics is very popular nowadays. Because it conserves land for cultivation, including planting without soil, it is less likely to be contaminated with various chemicals. It has sparked a lot of interest, whether it is grown for sale or for fresh consumption. Although it is simple to grow, we should pay close attention to the pH of the nutrient solution. When it comes to growing, the question of what pH range is best for each plant is frequently raised. Alternatively, why is it prudent to maintain a stable pH level? And there are many more questions that those interested in hydroponic vegetable growing must learn.

If the solution tank’s water is highly acidic Plant nutrients are soluble in water. Plants are easily absorbed, but acids corrode the roots, weakening them. Pathogens are thus easily destroyed as a result. If the water in the solution tank has a high alkaline value, plant nutrients will precipitate until they can no longer be absorbed by the plants. Iron, phosphorus, and manganese, in particular, can cause stunted plants and yellow leaves.

As a result, the pH must be adjusted to an appropriate range for each plant. Normally, the optimal pH range is 5.5 – 7.0, but the optimal nutrient solubility is 5.8 -. 6.3.

For the method of adjusting the pH of water used in hydroponic vegetable cultivation. is to make adjustments with nitric acid Nitric acid has the ability to lower pH and increase the nutrient content of fertilizers due to its properties. In comparison to vitamin C for vegetables in the plot.

How to use nitric acid to adjust pH in hydroponics

  1. Prepare concentrated nitric acid and clean water for dilution in a 10:1 ratio of clean water to nitric acid. Combine thoroughly. (When diluting, use only clean water to dilute the concentrated nitric acid. Pouring clean water into nitric acid to prevent an explosion is strictly prohibited.)
  2. Prepare about 20 liters of tap water or ground water that needs to be adjusted to the pH in the experimental stage.
  3. Begin the experiment to adjust the pH of the water by adding 1 mL of nitric acid solution prepared in step 1 to 1 mL of tap water or ground water prepared in step 2 and mixing well. The pH of the water should then be measured and recorded.
  1. If the pH reading does not reach 5, add 1 ml of nitric acid solution again and thoroughly mix. Record the pH of the water once more.
  2. If the pH reading is less than 5, add 1 mL of nitric acid solution. Always keep track of the water’s pH until it reaches 6.5 based on the pH of the reference hydroponics vegetables. (this varies depending on the type of vegetables grown)
  3. Assuming the volume of tap water is 20 liters, 5 ml of nitric acid solution is required to adjust the water value for hydroponics vegetable cultivation. This experimental formula can be used to calculate the amount of nitric acid dissolved water.

“An instrument used to measure pH” are a wide variety such as color calibration chemistry test kits. Instrument with digital numeric display probe.

Chemical Test kit : When drops into water, it discolors it. Which must be compared to the reference color bar to determine the pH value, which is only a rough estimate. Only a pH meter (pH meter) is required: This is a piece of electronic equipment. based on the differential measurement principle

The electric potential that results in relation to the reference pole on the screen, it appears as a digital number. Standard solution calibrator that is simple to use and transport to ensure reading accuracy.


*** Nitric acid is a common chemical used to lower pH. It’s extremely dangerous if it’s still in a highly acidic environment. should be used with extreme caution Do not directly pour water into the acid. Pour the acid into the water instead. Before use, dilute nitric acid in clean water in a ratio of 1:10 or 1:20, gradually adding diluted nitric acid to the solution tank. This could happen if the pH of the water is less than 4. Vegetable roots can suffer damage.


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