COMBO pack - Buffer solutions pH 7:01 + TDS 1500 mg / L @ 25 ° C - SQ - 10 bags each of 20 ml, ± 0.01 pH, standard quality
Hand pH / ORP Meter with a pH electrode with integrated temperature sensor 12:00 bis14.00 pH, Temperature 0.0 to 100.0 ° C
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Great tools for trouble-shooting your existing pH/ORP meter or process instruments.
HI 931002 is a portable instrument designed by the Plant Repair and Maintenance Operator for the MRO! This portable simulator can monitor and regulate 4-20 mA from practically any process meter with or without a voltage generator. .
EC/TDS Fieldwork
HI9811 multiparameter pH / EC / TDS / ° C - 0 to 6000 uS / cm / 0 to 3000 ppm (mg / L) ideal for heating, air conditioning and printing technology
EC/TDS Fieldwork
HI9812 Multiparameter pH / EC / TDS / ° C - 0-1990 uS / cm / 0-1990 ppm (mg / L) water treatment
pH Meter mit HANNA®' intelligente SMART Elektrode, bis zu 5 Kalibrierpunkte, log-on-demand bis zu 500 records pH -4.00 bis 19.99 pH, Temperature -20.0 bis 120.0°C
HI981401N - GRO'CHEK pH indicator with LED & Alarm electrode. Range 0.0 to 14.0 pH. Agriculture and Horticulture
HI981402 - PRONTO pH indicator with electrode & LED alarm, range 0.0 to 14.0 pH. Agriculture and horticulture, outdoor applications with high humidity
HI981405N - GRO'CHEK pH / TDS or conductivity value with indicator electrodes. Range 0.0 to 14.0 pH, 0.00 to 9.99 mS / cm. Agriculture and horticulture.
HI981406 - Combo pH / ORP Indicator with LED alarm. Range 0.0 to 14.0 pH. Water treatment and conditioning, light industrial applications, Swimming pool area.
HI981408 pH Tester - Agro GRO'CHEK für Düngerlösungen.