Process controllers
AmpHel ORP electrode for PCA 330, with differential input, DIN, 0.5m cable
Refillable, conical tip combination pH electrode, designed to be used for testing of dairy and semi-solid products.
HI208-02 "All in one" pH / ° C measuring instrument, integral electrode holder, magnetic stirrer and temperature probe, pH electrode, 12 V adapter pH -2.00 to 16.00 pH, Temperature -5.0 to 105 ° C.
pH half-cell HI21111B made of glass, designed for strong bases.
Process controllers
To be used with HI 981406 pH/ORP Indicator.
HI2210 pH meter bench, auto ranging, 2-point calibration, ATC - pH / ° C. The HI 2210 benchtop pH meter from HANNA are an affordable solution for laboratory testing without compromising accuracy
HI2211 pH meter bench, auto ranging, 2-point calibration, ATC - pH / ORP / ° C. pH -2.00 to 16.00 pH, mV ± 399.9 mV, ± 2000 mV, Temperature -9.9 to 120 ° C, 230V
HI2212 pH bench meter, auto ranging, 2-point calibration, ATC - pH / ° C. pH -2.00 to 16.00 pH, Temperature -20.0 to 120.0 ° C, 230V
HI2213 pH meter bench, auto ranging, 3 point calibration, ATC - pH / ORP / ° C. pH -2.00 to 16.00 pH, mV ± 699.9 mV, ± 2000 mV, Temperature -20.0 to 120.0 ° C, 230V
HI2215 pH meter bench, auto ranging, five-point calibration, ATC - pH / ORP / ° C + USB PC interface with 0001 resolution. pH -2000 to 16,000 pH, mV ± 999.9 mV, ± 2000 mV, Temperature -20.0 to 120.0 ° C, 230V.
PH/ORP Meters
HI2216 pH / ORP / ISE / °C Meter / 5-Point Calibration; Resolution 0.001 + PC Interface
HI2216 pH meter bench, auto ranging, five-point calibration, ATC - pH / ORP / ISE / ° C + USB PC interface with 0001 resolution. pH -2000 to 16,000 pH, mV ± 999.9 mV, ± 2000 mV, ISE 0001-19990 mg / l (ppm) Temperature -20.0 to 120.0 ° C, 230V.