Process controllers
Flow-thru monitoring ORP, platinum sensor, electrode with matching pin and 5 m cable
Process controllers
AmpHel ORP electrode for PCA 330, with differential input, DIN, 0.5m cable
Refillable, conical tip combination pH electrode, designed to be used for testing of dairy and semi-solid products.
HI208-02 "All in one" pH / ° C measuring instrument, integral electrode holder, magnetic stirrer and temperature probe, pH electrode, 12 V adapter pH -2.00 to 16.00 pH, Temperature -5.0 to 105 ° C.
pH half-cell HI21111B made of glass, designed for strong bases.
PH/ORP Meters
HI2210 pH meter bench, auto ranging, 2-point calibration, ATC - pH / ° C. The HI 2210 benchtop pH meter from HANNA are an affordable solution for laboratory testing without compromising accuracy
PH/ORP Meters
HI2211 pH meter bench, auto ranging, 2-point calibration, ATC - pH / ORP / ° C. pH -2.00 to 16.00 pH, mV ± 399.9 mV, ± 2000 mV, Temperature -9.9 to 120 ° C, 230V
HI2212 pH bench meter, auto ranging, 2-point calibration, ATC - pH / ° C. pH -2.00 to 16.00 pH, Temperature -20.0 to 120.0 ° C, 230V
HI2213 pH meter bench, auto ranging, 3 point calibration, ATC - pH / ORP / ° C. pH -2.00 to 16.00 pH, mV ± 699.9 mV, ± 2000 mV, Temperature -20.0 to 120.0 ° C, 230V
HI2215 pH meter bench, auto ranging, five-point calibration, ATC - pH / ORP / ° C + USB PC interface with 0001 resolution. pH -2000 to 16,000 pH, mV ± 999.9 mV, ± 2000 mV, Temperature -20.0 to 120.0 ° C, 230V.