A test kit for the determination of ammonium chemical seawater in the range 0 to 2.5 mg / l (ppm).
Checker Disc
HI 3823 provides users with the most important test parameters for aquaculture applications: alkalinity, carbon dioxide, dissolved oxygen, hardness, pH and salinity.
Chemical test kits
Reagenzien für HI3829F (50 Tests)
Chemical test kit for the determination of bromine in the range pH 4.0-6.5. 60 tests
Chemical test kit for the determination of free chlorine in the range 0 to 2.5 mg / l (ppm).
Chemical test kit for the determination of the total chlorine in the range 0 to 2.5 mg / l (ppm). 50 tests
Chemical test kits
Reagent kit for HI 3831T (50 tests)
Chemical test kit for the determination of phosphate in the range 0-5 mg / l (ppm). 50 tests