Industry electrode immersion of PVDF
Industrie Elektrode aus PVDF
Eintauch Industrie Elektrode aus PVDF
AmpHel® ORP Platinum Type Electrode with BNC connection and 5 m cable.
HI 8710 pH controller, ATC, Connection for electrode or the transmitter, 4-20 and 0-20 mA recorder output, For a combined application with the built-in regulator for HI 8720 ORP ORP dosing takes place exclusively at adequate pH level.
HI 8711 pH controller, ATC connection for electrode or the transmitter, 4-20 and 0-20 mA recorder output, 2 control points - 2 independent Dosing outputs
Inputs: BNC connector, Direct wire connection with amplified probe (supports HI 1006 series probes) and 4-20 mA from a transmitter
เครื่องวัดค่า pH และ ORP แบบควบคุมต่อเนื่อง สำหรับสระว่ายน้ำและสปา
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