Showing 709–720 of 725 results


Range: 0 to 300 ppb. The HI 749 Checker®HC is a simple, accurate, and cost effective way to measure low ranges of chromium VI in fresh water. Designed as a more accurate alternative to chemical test kits, the HI 749 provides quick, accurate results in four easy steps. The HI 749 uses an adaptation of the ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology, D1687-92, Diphenylcarbohydrazide method. The reaction between chromium VI and the reagent causes a purple tint in the sample.


The HI 764 Checker®HC is extremely simple to use. First, zero the instrument with your water sample. Next, add the reagent. Last, place the vial into the HI 764 Checker®HC, press the button and read the results. It’s that easy.


เครื่องวัดปริมาณไนไตรต์ ช่วงต่ำ ในน้ำทะเล รุ่น HI767


Range 0 - 300 ppm in salt water | Colorimetric Method | Resolution 1 ppm


Range 0 - 600 ppb NO2-N | EPA method 354.1 | Resolution 1 ppb


เครื่องวัดปริมาณไนไตรท์ ในน้ำทะเล ช่วงต่ำมาก รุ่น HI764


The HI 764 Checker®HC is extremely simple to use. First, zero the instrument with your water sample. Next, add the reagent. Last, place the vial into the HI 764 Checker®HC, press the button and read the results. It’s that easy.


Range 0.0 - 12.5 ppm | DPD Method | Resolution 0.1ppm


Range 0 - 500 PCU | Platinum Cobalt method | Resolution 5 PCU


The HI935001 is a waterproof portable K-Type thermocouple thermometer made for the food professional that is required to monitor temperature as part of a hazardous analysis of critical control points (HACCP) plan including in food service, production, packaging, transportation, restaurants or catering.


The HI 96831 Ethylene Glycol Digital Refractometer is a rugged, portable, water resistant device that utilizes the measurement of refractive index to determine the percent volume and freezing point of ethylene glycol based solutions.