Showing 145–156 of 171 results


Range 0:00 to 2:00 ppm | EPA method 340.1 | 0.01ppm resolution


เครื่องวัดปริมาณฟอสฟอรัส ช่วงต่ำมาก รุ่น HI736


Range 0 - 200 ppb | ascorbic acid method | Resolution 1 ppb


Range 0.0 - 15 ppm | Molybdenum Blue Method | 0.1ppm resolution


Range 0:00 to 2:50 ppm | ascorbic acid method | Resolution 0.01ppm


Range 0 - 300 ppm in salt water | Colorimetric Method | Resolution 1 ppm


Range 0.0 - 30.0 ppm | amino acid method | Resolution 0.1ppm


The HI 775 Checker®HC is a simple, accurate, and cost effective way to measure alkalinity. Designed as a more accurate alternative to chemical test kits, the HI 775 provides quick, accurate results in four easy steps.


เครื่องวัดปริมาณแมกนีเซียม สำหรับน้ำทะเล รุ่น HI783


The HI 764 Checker®HC is extremely simple to use. First, zero the instrument with your water sample. Next, add the reagent. Last, place the vial into the HI 764 Checker®HC, press the button and read the results. It’s that easy.