Combined pH glass electrode with single diaphragm and refillable, designed for measurements directly in the soil, soil solutions.
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pH/ORP electrode for wastewater, municipal water, water treatment and swimming pools. Recommended for use with HI 991002 and HI 991003 pH meters
Combination pH electrode specifically for use in vials and test tubes.
pH electrode for surfaces, skin, leather, paper and emulsions.
pH glass electrode HI1617D with single junction, designed for use in oils and fats.
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pH Electrode for field applications. Recommended for use with HI 98140, HI 98150, HI 98230 and HI 98240 pH meters.
Refillable, conical tip combination pH electrode, designed to be used for testing of dairy and semi-solid products.
PH/ORP Meters
HI208-02 "All in one" pH / ° C measuring instrument, integral electrode holder, magnetic stirrer and temperature probe, pH electrode, 12 V adapter pH -2.00 to 16.00 pH, Temperature -5.0 to 105 ° C.
pH half-cell HI21111B made of glass, designed for strong bases.